A Purrfect Critter Christmas

Photo by Olya Kobruse (Pexels)

Just you wait, Humans…

Well, our Christmas was cold and the Can Opener left us locked up prisoners in the house the whole flipping day. We were a little miffed- but we realized it wouldn’t do us any good anyway, because the turkeys took off to be with the grown critters and the itty bitty ones for Christmas.

So we decided to save our pouting and revenge for when they got back since they couldn’t see us giving them the evil-eye anyway, and we needed to save our energy for our purrfect plot. Way to spoil a cat’s Christmas! *grumble*

You’re gonna pay Can Opener…
You’d better come home loaded with treats. Just sayin’

They left early and had the nerve to stay out until long after dark. They had the neighbor come over and check on us and give us food, and they left Cat TV on for us- but we still weren’t happy, because she didn’t serve us our whipped cream tower, or treats, and she even served me in Sushi’s dish! I can’t eat out of HER dish! I’ll get Sushi cooties! And, she fed Sushi in MY DISH!! DISGUUUUUUUSSSTING!!!!! *coughs up hairball*

And when they came home they smelled like the critters and SERAFINA AND ABBY! They were loving on them when they should’ve been home spoiling us!

Here- take a look at the EVIDENCE we found on the human’s phone!!

Serafina took over the Little Critter’s chair
Abby took over the gaming lounger they bought for the Big Critter!
And Serafina left HER SCENT all over the Can Opener’s Christmas present! That’s OUR JOB!

And then there were all these pictures of the Critters and their gifts….

Well, all this evidence means Sushi and I have a lot of work to do to retrain this Can Opener. Great. I’m getting busy! Hope you all had a peaceful, healthy Christmas- and Happy kitties!

11 thoughts on “A Purrfect Critter Christmas

  1. How hideous you were left ALONE on Christmas – yes someone fed you but in the wrong dishes??? Well, I think you will be working overtime to retrain the Can Opener. Some lessons are painful to learn – and I suspect the Can Opener will think twice before abandoning you two again!

    Hugs, Teddy

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