On Guard- at 4 am

The Critter will be bursting through the door anytime now…

The little pitter – patter of tiny creature feet

I knew when the alarm went off at 4 am that a very long day was about to start. The Can Opener had barely finished her coffee and fed us, when I soon heard that fateful sound- the laughter and the delicate little knock at the front door that signaled the presence of the critters!

I was already up as high as I could get on top of the desk (right in front of the heater), which has become my favorite spot to hang out now. I watched intently as the human prepared to answer the door, hoping I could hop down and run into the bedroom before the pint sized tornado could get close to me. I had just made it into the bedroom and found my way under the bed when the bumping around and laughing erupted from the living room.

Sushi had more nerve than I did -(or less brains), because she just sat there on the couch when they came in, eagerly waiting for them to come see her and play with her. I was watching warily from a distance.

What? Did you bring treats?

Suddenly the shrill sound of Mickey Mouse and laughter filled the house, and I went looking for an escape. But wouldn’t you know, it was cloudy and rainy outside and I was stuck.

Oh wonderful.

Lucky for me, they both had to have breakfast and start school soon, so it wasn’t the disaster I had prepared myself for – so I ended up sleeping most of the day until it got later.

What is that thing?

The littlest critter kept shoving some noisy little pink thing toward me in the window and I wanted to take it, and run outside and bury it someplace.

But I was lucky- they saw Sushi and she signaled that she wanted a lot of attention, so I let them indulge her while I took the opportunity to escape!

Time went by faster than I’d expected, and soon the Critters’ Dad came to pick them up and all of a sudden there was a competition to see who could pet me most!

Oh great, now Sushi has to get in on it.

And of course, Sushi and her aggressive begging for more back scratches soon took over.

Oh well. At least I got my back scratch first!

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