Tag Archives: sick

A Critter’s Sick Day

Time to break out the teddy bears and cuddly blankies

The Tiny One and her parents don’t feel well!

When the Tiny One woke up from her nap after her playday, she said her throat hurt. Later that night she had a fever. Since then she hasn’t been feeling well, and last night neither was her Daddy- and he had a fever also.

Today, her Mom isn’t feeling well and has a fever.

So, today she stayed home and Mom and Dad took the day off to take care of her. But we miss her so much. Sushi and I woke our human up at 4:30 this morning when we noticed she hadn’t already gotten up, and we tried really hard to warn her the Critters would be here soon -(besides, we were hungry and our breakfast was late).

But she kept sleeping until an unbelievable 7:30! How rude!

We weren’t happy when we figured out that the Critters weren’t going to come today and snuggle us and feed us treats. When we found out why we almost felt bad for waking the human. Almost- but not really.

I have to say, it’s awfully quiet here without the tiny tornado. But we don’t like that she’s sick. She’s all sweet and cuddly and she loves to feed us. And we love to eat. It’s a match made in heaven.

She won’t be here tomorrow, either. So for now, Sushi wil have to imagine she’s playing nurse to her favorite tiny one.

I love you, Tiny One.
Oh, that’s the PURRFECT spot!

As for me, I’ll have to find the treat bag for myself. But I can also pretend she’s here loving on me until she comes back.