Twilight’s Therapy Tips

Yesterday was a hard day for the Can Opener. So today I’m giving her some tips to help!

Twilight’s Tips to Take Care of Yourself

Some Days are better than others for anyone- but lately my Can Opener has some days that are really difficult. Like yesterday when she got a call from the Funeral Home. Of course, she also had flower deliveries as well- and that really helped. But I think it’s time I share some advice for her and for others that may be going through something as well. I call it “Twilight’s Tips.”

Remember who your true friends are.
Take time to Paws and reflect.

Try something new and fun

Keep a pawsitive attitude.
Don’t skip meals

Don’t take any bull
That should do it.

14 thoughts on “Twilight’s Therapy Tips

  1. Mee-yow Twilight you have beeutee an brainss!! GRATE tipss!!
    Mee showed yore post to BellaSita Mum.
    THE most impawtent tipss fore her are #2 an it meenss shee needss to foe-cuss on each task or situation inn that momint!
    An THE last tip with Snoopy Poochie an Charlie Brown iss furry impawtent! An BellaSita Mum tooked that one to ❤ heart ❤

    Mee loved HAM Kitt…that kitt iss funny funny funny!
    **nose rubss** BellaDharma an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Those are wonderful tips and I know you are trying to help your human, but she needs her time to grieve. Just keep giving her cuddles and love. XO

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes- we are grieving together- with Sushi- But Sushi hasn’t been here as long as I have and she spent all her time snuggled wherever the Can Opener was- so she isn’t really grieving too much. The Can Opener got some things that have been helping me a lot. She even has the human version of the same thing and it helps us both!

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  3. Excellent advice. I loved the meditation meme. (Today is the third anniversary of my husband’s death. Just a reminder that you will come out on the other side even if you feel like you’re in quicksand right now.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh I’m so sorry- but thank you for your encouragement- I’m watching the Critters again in the morning for the first time since all this started- I’ve missed them so much. I couldn’t take time for a post today- there was so much to do to get the house organized and get prepared for them to come- but i plan to post tomorrow after they go home- thank you for your encouragement!

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